Challenge: The current ticket support experiences for products within the Partners organization varies significantly and invites other types of issues to create friction in the customer’s overall support experience.
Approach: By redesigning a tailored and unified system, we will reach our goal of a seamless, intuitive support experience that all GoDaddy customers can experience and find value in. In doing so, we can create a guided system that our customers believe in and trust, significantly reduce the customer learning curve and achieve cross-pollination among internal teams.


Starting any project, it is critical for me to be in agreeement with the PMs (Product Managers) and stakeholders involved of what the problem is and what they envision for the product in the future.

I conducted interviews with each of the PM's to get a richer understanding of how their product works, the major work flows that occur, the gaps, and their hope for the product in their future. Based on the interveiws and my own perception of the products' functionality, I whiteboarded task flows for the products that were easily accesible.

security pro reseller

Ultimately, I came to the conclusion: this is an external facing project, in which the customers that own and will potentially buy this product will be utiilizing this system. Since many of these customers overlap, it's critical that this subset of GD products all visually appear and function as a collective.


Initially, my first thought was to create a modal experience. In this way, the customer moves through a simple experience, and as a company, we're able to capture more and more detailed information about the issue at hand. modal planning whiteboarding-top whiteboarding-bottom reviews2

However, after my first round of feedback, it was clear that the stakeholders preferred a simple, one screen flow that doesn't require much effort to submit.

second iteration third iteration

Rounds and rounds of iteration later, I wanted to ensure the questions were ones that would bring maximum value to the customer. I, later, incorporated the visual aspect of balanced padding, formatting, color, and icons. final iteration

See the final prototype below!


Shortly after the prototype had been created, I went straight to the research team for guidance in launching my test through the platform. I used a screener to find small business owners or partners that buy Web Hosting products from GoDaddy, as the prototype was set to begin in the dashboard of a server targeting hosting customers.

The objective of the study was to have a better understanding of 3 key elements in the overall ticket support experience: 1) ease of use, 2) understanding of the process, & 3) confidence while creating their ticket and next steps after submission.

See the Test Plan here!


Among most of the participants, there was a misconception of when they had reached the appointment confirmation screen after choosing their preferred contact method.

The Review page felt redundant to users, and wasn't providing the same value as was ideated.

Most enjoyed the emotional component and felt that it acknowledged the emotional stress that comes with having tech issues.

Any contact information that is provided by the customer should also be provided in a review or confirmation screens in the context of scheduling an appointment.

  • 80% of users found that the process was simple
  • 80% of users found each step in the process was clear
  • 75% felt confident submitting a ticket for support
  • A majority of the participants felt they understood next steps, however a couple assumed there was more to do on their end.


As I went through this design process, I realized there were SEVERAL other questions that surfaced in both the research phase and the design phase of individual products. The next steps would be to take on both and conduct testing on each idea.

next steps


Although this was my second design internship with GoDaddy, it was my first remote internship. Compared to being in the office every day for two months, seeing my managers every day, nudging elbows to ask questions, being present in meetings, going out the lunch, this remote experience changed my perspective on my work/life balance.

Not only did it help me prepare to work from home and learn to love it, it helped me flex the muscle of understanding the strength in asking for help. By facilitating all of my new relationships with the PM's and other fabulous designers, I now feel much more confident to reach out as I need to and know that the GoDaddy team will always be there to support me.

interns interns interns